New translation of Demi-Gods & Semi-Devils Chapter 1
Jenxi Seow
1 minutes read
I have translated Chapter 1 of Demi-Gods and Semi Devils 《天龍八部》. I started this as a revision attempt to improve the chapter, but ended up doing a complete re-translation of the chapter using the Third Edition source. The previous translation was done using the Second Edition source.
The improvements include corrections to the translations, more detailed footnotes, and better pagination so that each page page loads faster and is the ideal reading length.
Here are some statistics of the new version:
- 19,031 words
- 335 paragraphs
- 62 foot notes
- Estimated reading time of 1 hour 34 minutes
Feedback is much appreciated! Knowing whether there is interest in this revision would help me decide whether to continue with the rest of the chapters, or to focus on other projects.